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Taking advantage of cosmic ray activity blocking communications,
Doctor Octopus invades Gamma Base to steal their supply of
Perium-99, a powerful explosive with mutagenic properties. The
cosmic rays also triggers the gamma enery in Bruce's body, causing
him to change into the Hulk even without getting angry. Bruce gets
Rick to trap the Hulk in the fallout shelter in Cougar Cave. When
Rita goes to the base to look for Rick, she and the rest of the base
is taken hostage by Doctor Octopus. Rick and Rio are able sabotage
Doctor Octupus' plans by giving his henchmen food poisoning. But when
Bruce sees the activity at the base, he turns into the Hulk and breaks
out of the fallout shelter, just in time to stop Doctor Octopus from
launching a satellite designed to broadcast Perium-99 rays and mutating
entire populations.
Being the first episode I ever saw, this remains a favorite. The idea
of keeping the Hulk trapped in a bomb shelter came as early as The
Incredible Hulk #3, when his transformations occurred at sunset. Doctor
Octopus is one of the few villians who actually exists in the comic
books and is a worthy adversary for the premier episode. In a poignant
scene at the end, Bruce apologizes to Rick for accidentially breaking his
arm as the Hulk when he was trying to stop Doctor Octopus, and says no
one should be close to him as long as he is the Hulk. Rick reminds him
that he caused Bruce's condition and will stick behind him until he's
The Villian:
Doctor Octopus - An insane scientist who can metally control his
adamantium "arms" which are thus extensions of his own body. Primarily
an enemy of Spider-Man in the comics, Doc Ock is known to tussle
with ol' Greenskin occasionally.
The Incredible Bruce Banner:
Bruce climbs a ladder to a large pipe where he walks tightrope
to an electrical juncture in order to restore power and separate
the Perium-99 rods. He then swings from the pipe down to the ground
to safety.